From the Evesham Journal, 17 August 1918:
The interest of very many friends of both families centred in the wedding of Captain William George Deakin, M.C., R.H.A., to Miss Dorothea May Burrow, at Highbury Congregational Church, Cheltenham, on Saturday, and there was a large party present to witness the ceremony, conducted by Rev. S.S. Shrubsole, B.D. The bridegroom, who is the son of Mr. W.R. Deakin, of The Hall, Pershore, is one of the gallant band, who, amidst the disaster that involved a portion of the British Army at the time of the great German spring offensive, won honour by gallantry and resourcefulness in circumstances of great difficulty. The Germans had worked round on both flanks of the R.H.A. section of which he was in command and practically cut them off. Instead of surrendering Capt. Deakin ordered his drivers to dash right through the enemy machine gunners, and the guns were brought safely through. For his part in this fine feat, Capt. Deakin was awarded the Military Cross. The young lady to whom the gallant captain was wedded is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Burrow, of Wayside, London-road, Cheltenham, who are both very well known in the town, where Mr. Burrow has had important business connections for a umber of years. Given away by here father, the bride was attended by three bridesmaids, Miss Beatrice M. Burrow (sister), Miss Bessie Deakin (sister of the bridegroom), and Miss Bunty Fildes (cousin of the bride). Master Billy Deakin was the little page. After the ceremony the parents of the bride were at home to a large party at Wayside, and later in the day Capt. and Mrs. Deakin left for honeymoon which will be spent motoring in Wales. The bride travelled in a costume of fawn gabardine, with white fox fur (the gift of her mother), worn with a black and jade hat. The bridegroom’s present to the bride was a fitted dressing-case, and from the bride to the bridegroom a signet ring. Congratulations and presents were received from the following: – Lord Montagu of Beaulieu1, Sir James T. Agg-Gardner2, M.P., Sir Henry and Lady Lunn3, the staff of “The Car” Publishing Company (London), the parents of the bride and bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Deakin, Mrs. Taylor (Wigan), Miss Deakin, Miss Burrow, Mr. & Mrs. Alstead (Wigan), Mr. and Mrs. George Deakin (Wigan), Mr. & Mrs. George (Ashton), Mr. and Mrs. Webster (Wigan), Mr Carl Melling (Wigan), Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. George Bick, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Humphris (Bradford), Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Smith (Evesham), Mr. and Mrs. B. Combe (Brockhampton), Mr. T. Brenton (Richmond), Mr. and Mrs. Foster (Wigan), Miss Thompson, Miss Hammond, Miss Box (Gloucester), Ald., Mrs. and the Misses Magarett, Capt. and Mrs. Michell (Devizes), Lieut. and Mrs. Anderson, Lieut. Eustace Davies, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Davies, Miss Ratcliffe (Liverpool), Miss Hoskins (Brighton), Miss F.E. Carter, Mr. W.E. Drinkwater, Mr. E.R. Cross (director of E.J. Burrow and Co.), and Mrs. Cross., Mr., Mrs. and Miss Tipper, Misses M. and D. Cole, Miss Pepper (Gloucester), Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb, Miss M. Owen (Dursley), Mr. and Mrs. Ayris jun., Mr. and Mrs. F. Fildes, Miss Twiss, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Miss E. Spied (Sutton), Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beckingsale, Miss V. Jenkin, Mr. and Mrs. Marfell.
- John Walter Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu (1866 – 1929), Conservative politician and promoter motoring.
- Sir James Tynte Agg-Gardner JP (1846 – 1928), brewery owner and Conservative politician from Cheltenham.
- Sir Henry Simpson Lunn (1859 – 1939) was a humanitarian and religious figure. Founder of Lunn Poly travel company. Hewas married to Mary Ethel Moore.