The monthly meeting of the Band of Hope, held on 9 March 1887 at the Poolstock Wesleyan Mission Room was attended by several members of the Deakin family. The Wigan Observer and District Advertiser, 11 March 1887 reported:
The usual monthly meeting of the Band of Hope was held on Wednesday night, when the following entertaining programme was enjoyed:
Opening hymn and prayer; chairman’s address; recitation, Emily Pocklington; recitation, Harriett Deakin; duet, Misses M. and M. Roebottom; song “There’s a light at the window”, J. Hodson; recitation, “The broken bookcase”, J. Housley; quartette, Messrs. J. Hodson, S. Deakin, Misses M.E. and E. Deakin; trio, “The social glass”, Messrs. J. Hodson and W.R. and S. Deakin, which was so ably rendered that nothing short of repetition would satisfy the audience. Recitation, “The maiden’s choice”, Maria Pocklington, recitation, “A Christmas Carol”, Miss E. Millhouse, quartette, Messrs. J. Hodson, S. Deakin and Misses M.E. and E. Deakin; song, “Joe Perkins”, Mr. S. Deakin; recitation, Minnie Deakin; recitation “Sewing for dolly”, Emily Pocklington, who was twice encored; duet, Misses M. and M. Roebottom; recitation, “The drunken woman”, Miss Mary Corner; recitation, “The Saviour’s request”, Sarah Chattin. The appearance on the scene (during the programme) of Mr. H. Telling was the signal of a general outburst of applause, and shortly after his arrival that gentleman gave a very telling address on the temperance question., bringing many indisputable arguments in favour of the temperance cause. The Wigan Temperance Union have cause to congratulate themselves on having such a powerful auxiliary in Poolstock; the small building was literally packed with an audience of 150 to 200. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. George Lacy for so ably presiding bought the proceedings to a close, after which eleven appended their names as members of that every swelling army, the total abstainers.